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Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba spoke about
Lessons of History, Traditional Culture and Patriotism


Students! Recall for a moment the past history of Bharat. There is no record at anytime of Bharatiyas having invaded other countries. Bharatiyas always adhered to Justice. They protected Righteousness. They esteemed Truth as their life-breath. They took to arms only when foreign hordes invaded the country. Otherwise they never committed aggression on any country.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Cherish Bharathiya Culture”, Jan. 1996. pp.20-23. net p.11.

Yes, it is true that there is only one caste of humanity, one race and one religion. But what about culture? Do not merely think of caste, think of the culture also. There are different cultures. One culture is different from the other. Similar cultures may combine with each other, dissimilar may not. Hence, whatever work we undertake, we should first give a thought to our culture also. That means tradition. You can attain progress and prosperity when you follow your traditions. Therefore, we should certainly adhere to our traditions.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Divine Ideals of Indian Culture”, May 2008. pp.147-158. net p.28.

You should never forsake culture at any cost. What is meant by culture? We should understand and follow our ancient traditions and values. We should never ignore our culture in our business matters. We should enquire into the relationship between culture and country. Culture has its existence due to the country. True humanness lies in the integration of culture and country. Culture is not related to your worldly relations and practices. Culture is concerned with the feelings of your heart and your power to discriminate between what is good and what is bad. Hence, you should develop strong power of discrimination. This discrimination brings about many changes in the life of man.

Copy of item 9-1.
- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Culture and Country are Most Important in Business”, Sep. 2007. pp.298-305. net p.3.

On this holy occasion devotees from many countries have delighted every one here by their presentation of the artistic culture of their respective countries. Wherever you may go do not give up your traditional culture. Devotees from outside who come here adhere to their culture.

If you have forgotten your mother tongue, are you likely to remember your mother? Rama declared: "The mother and the Motherland are greater than Heaven itself." Therefore, wherever you may go, do not forget your ancient traditions. This is relevant to people of all countries. At the same time, unity should be cultivated. "Nations are many, the earth is one. Beings are many, but breath is one". This truth has to be recognised. All the resources of Nature like air are available to all irrespective of nationality or creed or race. This is the unity in diversity that has to be realised. Out of unity comes purity.

All should seek to live as brothers and sisters. No one should criticise any nation, faith or culture. When you cultivate this broad outlook, your culture will be respected by others. It is this spirit of unity that the world needs to-day.

Copy of item 9-1. See the end of this site.
- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Acquire friendship of God”, Aug. 1995. pp.197-204. net p.198.

The youth of today are the future redeemers of the nation. Therefore, they should develop noble feelings, take to sacred path and become ideal citizens. When you become an ideal citizen, you will experience great happiness. Therefore, you should cultivate noble feelings. This is what is called individual character. You can become great leaders only when you have individual character. Therefore, it is necessary for you to develop good qualities. When you have individual character, you should develop national character also. You should develop individual character, social character and the spirit of nationalism. Unfortunately, the spirit of nationalism has become extinct in modern youth. They even do not know what nationalism means. Their vision is limited to “I, my family and my nears and dears.” This is not correct. You should give highest priority to your country. The culture of Bharat is unparalleled and most sacred.

He is verily a living corpse
who does not declare with pride that
this is my motherland, this is my mother tongue and this is my religion.
(Telugu Poem)

Those who lack love for their motherland are no better than living corpses. Therefore, develop love for the country. You should love your country as much as you love yourself because your Deha (body) and Desha (country) are like Bimba (object) and Pratibimba (reflection). Therefore, students should transform their thoughts and develop good qualities and high character.

Copy of item 8-3.
- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Unity is the Foundation of Peace and Happiness”, April 2010. pp.98-106. net pp.11-12.

Your country and your body are not different from each other. Both are composed of the same five elements. They are inseparably interrelated and totally interdependent. They are like mirror images of each other. Try to recognise this truth. The youth of today are the leaders of the future. If the future is to be prosperous, the modern youth should perform their duties with firm faith in God. You are not separate from the country, but a part of it. Have the firm conviction that this country belongs to you. … Every person, whichever country he may belong to, should have patriotism firmly ingrained in his heart. Abdicating their duty towards their motherland, people go to other countries and become completely alienated. How can such people ever understand Divinity?

Copy of item 8-3. See the end of this site.
- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Unity and Divinity in the New Year”, Jan. 2000. pp.44-53. net p.30.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about BHARAT

Embodiments of Love!

Bharat is the birthplace of spirituality, charity and righteousness. It is the abode of peace and non-violence. Having been born in this sacred land of Bharat, it is the bounden duty of every Bharatiya to foster the noble qualities of truth, peace, charity and non-violence. This sacred land is the birthplace of the Adi Kavi (first poet), Valmiki and sage Vyasa, who classified the Vedas. This is the meritorious land that gave birth to Gautama Buddha, who declared Ahimsa Paramo Dharma (non-violence is the highest Dharma). This is the noble land, which was ruled by Lord Rama Himself. This is the divine land, where Lord Krishna sang the song celestial, Bhagavad Gita. It is most essential for the Bharatiyas to follow the ideals of these sages and Avatars. Having taken birth in this sacred land of Bharat, the Bharatiyas should make every effort to keep their hearts sacred.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Give up Enmity, Develop Unity”, June 1999. pp.151-156. net pp.125-129.

Bharat is not just a mass of earth. Bharat is verily the heart of the entire world. If Bharat is safe, the entire world will be safe. Unfortunately, the people of Bharat are not realising this truth. Wherever you see, selfishness is rampant. Therefore, cast away your selfishness and engage yourself in service activities that help others. Pray for the welfare of all. That is the real meaning of the prayer: Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu. Pray for the welfare of the entire world wholeheartedly. Then you will also definitely prosper.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Give up Body Attachment”, Aug. 2003. pp.225-234. net p.222.

There have been wars in many countries, but not in Bharat. Not only that, there will never be any war in Bharat (loud prolonged applause). It is Rama Rajya. It is Prema Rajya (land of love). It is the land of peace.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Everlasting Glory of Rama's Name”, May 2007. pp.172-7. net p.14.

So too, the Veda is Truth not merely for Bharat but for all people on earth. It is not correct to claim that Bharat or India is the birthplace of the Vedas. The utmost that can be said is that they were discovered by the people of Bharat. To ask why a happening in one place did not take place in another place also is the sign of a confused mind. The Divine Author decides what should happen when and where. As He decides, so it takes place. The atmosphere in India was congenial for the revelation and the growth of the Vedas. The Vedas were drawn towards the hearts of the sages of this land, this Karma-bhoomi, this Yoga-bhoomi and this Tyaga-bhoomi.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Sathya Sai Vahini 16”, April 1980. net p.78.

So, Bharat of today has its roots in the Vedic period of the distant past.

However, the scope of Bharatiya culture is not limited to Bharat alone. It forms the foundation of all the cultures of the world as it gives the message of humanness, and teaches mankind to live together happily with unity and harmony. People may be born in different countries; they may have different colours, forms and names; but all of them belong to the same human race. Wherever we may go, we will find the same human race without any differences whatsoever. This is the basic principle of Bharatiya culture.

In ancient India, all the people knew Sanskrit. As the time passed, Sanskrit suffered a decline. All the great teachings of Bharat and its entire history are contained in Sanskrit only. Unfortunately, people are not aware of this great and rich treasure of Bharat. Today the Bharatiyas are unaware of their divinity and reality because they have forgotten their culture which treasures this supreme knowledge.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Divine Ideals of Indian Culture”, May 2008. pp.147-158. net p.17, 19, 20.

Many European languages have a large number of words which are derived from Sanskrit roots.
Words like mother, father, brother, etc., in English are derived from Latin words which are themselves derived from Sanskrit words like, Pitru, Matru and Bhratru. Thus English is like a grand-daughter, while Latin is a daughter and Sanskrit is the mother of languages. Sanskrit enjoys this privilege of being the ancient mother of many languages.

Bharat’s entire culture is based on Sanskrit. Culture means that which sanctifies the world, which enhances the greatness and glory of a country and which helps to raise the individual and society to a higher level of existence. Culture contributes to the refinement of life.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Sports and Spirituality”, Feb. 1990. pp.29-33. net p.30.

People have various notions about culture. They think it is something archaic and outdated. It is foolishness to think so. That process which destroys animal tendencies, fosters humanness and makes you divine is true culture. You are born as a human being. What is your achievement if you die as a human being? What is the use of all your education? You should rise to the level of divinity before you give up the body.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Truth is the Life Principle of Man”, July 2002. pp.201-209. net pp.246-7.

Bharatiya culture is entirely based on Sanskrit. All Bharatiya students should recognise Sanskrit as the mother of all Indian languages. Without a knowledge of Sanskrit, one cannot understand the elements of Bharatiya culture.

Recognising the value of Sanskrit, Russia, Germany, Japan, Malaysia and other countries are introducing the study of Sanskrit in their educational curriculum. The intimate relations between foreign countries and Bharat from ancient times have not been understood by most Bharatiyas even today.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Be Prepared for a Life of Sacrifice”, Feb. 1997. pp.34-38. net p.28.

The culture of Bharat is based on the Vedas which are in Sanskrit language.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “My Students are My Wealth”, Sep. 2004. pp.251-256. net p.191.

Unity of mankind is the main teaching of the Vedas.

Let all be happy. Let all nations prosper. This is the ideal set by the Indian culture.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Develop Unity and Spirit of Oneness”, Jan. 2010. pp.15-24. net p.25.

Among Buddha’s teachings the foremost were: Sathya (Truth) and Dharma (Righteousness).
These two are the teachings of the Vedas: Speak the Truth (Sathyam vada), practice Righteousness (Dharmam chara).

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Purity-the Path to Liberation”, June. 1997. pp.145-149. net p.157.
Dharma /Righteousness

Many people in the world consider religion as identical with Dharma. But Dharma is quite different from religion. Religion is like a river. Dharma is like the ocean. There is a well known saying: “The ocean is the final destination of all rivers.” All rivers ultimately merge in the ocean. The essence of all religions, the goal of all scriptures, the objective of all aspirations is Dharma.

Religions have come into existence for the purpose of regulating human life. What is common to all of them is the principle of Love (Prema-tattwa).

Man is governed by morality. In all countries morality and integrity should be like the life-breath. It is only when men adhere to morality that human ideals like fraternity, equality and liberty can become meaningful in daily life. It is because moral values have been given the go-by that you find today society bedevilled by disorder and unrest. The world will have respite from violence only when progress in science and technology is accompanied pari passu by development of ethical and spiritual values.

In the economic sphere, when human desires are governed by righteousness, a divine impulse will arise in man. When the quest for wealth and the concern for sensuous pleasures are based on righteousness (Dharma), the mind will spontaneously turn towards God.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “The Gospel of Work, Love and Sacrifice”, March 1997. pp.57-64. net pp.69-70.

Q205) Swami! We do not have a precise idea of what Dharma is and we are not able to conduct ourselves according to the little knowledge we have. Scholars expound Dharma in a variety of ways. They designate one thing as Dharma in one context and quite another in a different context. This adds to our confusion. Swami! Kindly explain Dharma to us.

BHAGAVAN: What our elders and scholars had taught about Dharma needs to be understood correctly. You should not hastily conclude that their views are contradictory. Take for example the dictum, Satyannasti Paro Dharmah. What is to be chiefly noted here? The dictum means, â 'There is no Dharma higher than Satyam,' and more too. The deeper meaning is, â 'the foundation of Dharma is Satyam.'

Now consider another dictum, Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah. What does this mean? Earlier it is Satyam which is said to be the foundation of Dharma. Now, Ahimsa, absence from violence, is called the highest Dharma. Now Ahimsa does not mean only refraining from violence. Harming none through word, deed or thought is true Ahimsa. Here, it is seen that Satyam has been touched upon obliquely. Satyam knows neither fear nor wrath. Satyagraha is not a happy compound word. Where there is Satyam, wrath does not exist. Satyam does not inflict pain. One, who is rooted in Satyam, cannot undertake violence. Rather he considers Ahimsa as his Dharma.

It is also said, Vedokhilo Dharmamulam. Veda which desribes yajnas, yagas and other rituals treats their performance as Dharma. It is our duty to perform the deeds enjoined on us by Veda. Here, you have to consider Dharma from the perspective of duty. You have to perform your duty, fulfil your obligations. Therefore, it is said, Kartavyam Yoga Ucyate. In the verse from Gita, Svadharme Nidhanam Sreyah, Paradharmo Bhayavahah, you have to realise that "Svadharme" refers to Atmadharma.

On the other hand, the Dharmas of the four castes and of the four stages, of life are matters of birth. The population of the world is a mixture of black, white, yellow and brown hues and these are to be found in all countries. The Dharma of the four stages of life brahmacarya, garhastya, vanaprastha and sanyasa are to be viewed as four kinds of steps, four processes of Sadhana to reach BRAHMAN, after performing the deeds enjoined as one's duty.

Thus, Dharma is very subtle.

The life force of Satyam resides in utterance as does that of Dharma in practice or action.

- From Sathyopanishad, 2004.: Chapter 8. Q205). net p.81.  Net page Search: Sathyopanishad →

God Himself has taken three pledges: (i) He will incarnate age after age for the establishment of Dharma (Parithranaya Sadhunam Vinashayacha Dushkritam, Dharma Samsthapanarthaya Sambhavami Yuge Yuge), (ii) He will take care of those who constantly contemplate on Him (Ananya Chinthayanthomam Ye Jana Paryupasathe, Thesham Nithyabhiyukthanam Yogakshemam Vahamyaham), (iii) He will grant liberation to those who surrender to Him completely (Sarvadharman Parithyajya Mamekam Saranam Vraja, Aham Twa Sarvapapebhyo Mokshishyami Ma Sucha).

Likewise, you too should take three vows that you will firmly believe in the existence of God, that you will experience Him and that you will become one with Him. Make every effort to fulfil these vows.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Perform All Actions to Please God”, March 2000. pp.74-82. net p.46.

Since God assumes human form in order to restore Dharma and lead man back into the path of virtue and wisdom, nothing pleases God more than rigorous adherence to Dharma. One can stick to the path of Dharma if one is conscious of the Divine in everything that he sees or hears, touches or tastes. That will fill every moment of his life with the thrill of Self-realisation.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Man’s Firm Adherence to Dharma Pleases God”, Nov. 2013. pp.22-23. net .25.
TRUTH is the Life Principle of Man
In this world, truth is God,
Truth is the goddess (Saraswati) that abides in the lotus,
Truth lies in striving for the welfare of others,
There is no goal higher than truth.
(Sanskrit Verse)
Embodiments of Love!

Truth is the true wealth of Lord Easwara. Ephemeral worldly pleasures are subsidiary to this supreme wealth. There is nothing superior to truth in this world. There is no power mightier than truth. Truth is latent in every human being. Sathyam Sarvabhutantaratma (truth is the indwelling spirit in all beings).

Truth is God.

Never Forget Truth

Where is truth? It is here, there and everywhere. There is no place in the world where truth does not exist. Truth is the source of all prosperity. Man is subjected to misery and hardships as he has forgotten this divine principle of truth. What is the reason for the conflicts and disturbances prevailing in the world today? The reason is that man has forgotten truth. Truth and morality are like twins.

Yesterday, I spoke about the importance of Neeti. It is Neeti (morality) that brings you Khyati (reputation). Not merely that, Neeti and Nijayati (integrity) are the life-breaths of Manava Jathi (human race). Even the Lord of Death is afraid to enter the place where morality and integrity reign supreme. The sanctity of human life lies in adherence to these two principles. A true human race is that which adheres to morality. Listen to this truth, oh valorous sons of Bharat!

The foremost duty of man is to experience the manifestation of divinity in the form of truth. Such a person alone is a true human being. Sathyannasti Paro Dharma (there is no Dharma greater than adherence to truth). Emperor Manu taught to the world the principle of truth in various ways. He said, there was no path greater than adherence to truth.

Truth is the very form of Divinity. But modern man has totally forgotten truth. One who forgets Sathyam (truth) cannot attain Nityatwam (immortality) or Daivatwam (Divinity). So, never forget truth. In order to impart such internal teachings, God incarnates in human form. In ancient times, kings ruled over their kingdoms strictly adhering to the path of truth.

Where there is Truth, there is Dharma

Dharma is where Sathya is. Dharma is the true friend of Sathya. They are inseparable. Having attained sacred human birth, man should resolve to foster truth. Today man wants to enjoy various kinds of pleasures disregarding truth, righteousness, morality and integrity. One devoid of truth cannot uphold morality and integrity.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Truth is the Life Principle of Man”, July 2002. pp.201-209. net pp.242-3.
Follow the Path of TRUTH
The creation emerges from truth and merges into truth,
Is there a place in the cosmos where truth does not exist?
Visualise this pure and unsullied truth.
(Telugu Poem)

Sathyam Bruyath, Priyam Bruyath, Na Bruyath Sathyamapriyam

(speak truth, speak pleasantly and do not speak unpalatable truth)

Sathyam Vada, Dharmam Chara

(speak truth, practise righteousness)    These are the profound teachings of the Vedas.
Truth is the Fundamental Principle of all Creation

For all living beings, food is indispensable. Without food, no being can survive. The sun gives sunlight and causes rainfall which help the growth of crops that provide food to us. The Upanishads declare that food originates from Sathya (Truth). Sathya does not merely mean reporting facts as they appear to be. The three syllables in Sathyam, viz., ‘Sath’, ‘Ya’, ‘M’ connote life, food and sun respectively. It is Sathya that satiates hunger, gives strength to the body and in fact safeguards and sustains the whole world. This is what I mean when I say that the creation emerges from truth and merges into truth. This is the inner significance of the word Sathya.

This can be interpreted in a different way also. If you read the three syllables ‘Sa’, ‘Tha’, ‘Ya’ in reverse order, it becomes ‘Ya’, ‘Tha’, ‘Sa’. It means that when one adheres to Yama and Niyama (restraints and observances) and performs Thapa (penance), one attains Sakshatkara, i.e., the vision of God who is the Embodiment of Truth.

Truth is God. Where is Truth? It is all-pervasive. It encompasses the entire creation. Trikalabadhyam Sathyam (Truth remains changeless in all the three periods of time past, present and future). Truth is the power of penance which enables one to have the vision of God. Sathyam Jnanam Anantham Brahma (Brahman is the embodiment of truth, wisdom and eternity). Truth is wisdom. Advaita Darshanam Jnanam (Experience of non-dualism is wisdom). Truth is one, not two. Wisdom is the means of attaining truth. Wisdom is infinite. It is not mere information available in books. It is limitless. It has neither a beginning nor an end. Truth cannot be attained without wisdom. In reality, truth is wisdom and wisdom is truth.

Truth is the essence of the Vedas. Truth is the source of the Vedas. It is in fact the very form of the Vedas. Truth is the foundation of all that exists in the world. If there is no truth, there can be no world. In this manner, if you enquire deeply, you will realise that truth has a number of interpretations.
Develop Yearning for the Self

What is bliss and what is its nature? Bliss is divine in nature. Its origin is in truth. The sages were taught in this manner by direct perception. After all this happened, they enquired from the sage as to who he was. “Thamasa Parasthath (the one beyond darkness)”, he replied. Wherefrom does darkness come? It comes from light; it is a product of light. The effulgent divine truth is embedded in the darkness of the objective world. This divine truth sees everything but is not seen by anybody. This is the reality that we have to know today. Everything that you see in the objective world is actually a reflection only. That is why the sage said, “Adityavarnam Thamasa Parasthath (the brightness of the sun beyond the darkness).” It is not possible to conceive of light without darkness. This unity has to be understood. Good and evil are inseparable. One cannot appreciate goodness without the existence of evil, and evil cannot be judged but against the background of goodness. It is not possible for you to know me. All that you see is my form.

But when the sages persisted with their prayer, Sathya Swarupa revealed that the entire universe was his form. Sahasra Seersha Purusha Sahasraksha Sahasra Pad (The Cosmic Being has thousands of heads, eyes and feet). How can one visualise with ordinary eyes such a cosmic form? There is Chaitanya (consciousness) in each of these forms but you are not able to see it. The Chaitanya in all these forms is one and indivisible. It is rather difficult to understand this spiritual principle. To understand the principle of truth and to visualise the blissful form of Divinity hidden in this objective world is true spirituality. But few are making any effort in this direction. People sit for meditation, close their eyes and start imagining a particular form. But these forms are only reflections and not the reality. One should go beyond reaction, reflection and resound and visualise the reality.

Truth is that which does not change with time. Truth is changeless in past, present and future.

Truth is one, not two. The Upanishads extol the principle of truth in many ways.

Truth cannot be described in words. Bliss is its form.

The source of bliss is God. The happiness you get by your union with God is eternal.

Happiness is union with God. When you are dual-minded, you cannot experience this happiness.


Sometimes, you may be tempted to utter falsehood. But never tell a lie even if you have to sacrifice your life. Sathyannasti Paro Dharma (There is no Dharma greater than adherence to truth). Hence, follow the path of truth and revive the ancient glory of Bharat. Distance yourself from untruth, unrighteousness and injustice. Sage Yajnavalkya performed intense penance to know the nature of truth. Ultimately, he experienced eternal bliss and attained the Divine. So, by adhering to truth, you can achieve anything. Truth can transform earth into heaven and heaven into earth. Hence, consider truth as your very life-breath and experience bliss therefrom. This is the education you are supposed to acquire. Always speak truth; never be afraid of the difficulties you may have to face by speaking truth.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Follow the Path of Truth”, Oct. 2003. pp.296-303. net pp.269-274.

Everything is there in the Vedas. The essence of all the religions, viz., Hinduism, Islam and Christianity is there in the Vedas. The Christians also sing the glory of God in the same manner. The Mohammedans pray to God in the same way. Hence, God is one for all religions. There is difference only in names. The Muslims offer prayers to God five times in a day. The Hindus also pray to God in the morning and evening. We should never think that the Vedas are only for the Hindus. The Vedas are for all. That which is one and universal is the Veda. The Vedas can alleviate all types of sufferings of man. Hence, it is good for everyone to learn the Vedas.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Never Forget your Parents”, June. 2008. pp.166-171. 183. net p.9. See the end of this site.

The Veda is the Mother of all the Sastras. The Veda emanated from God Himself as inhalation and exhalation. The great sages, who were the embodiments of the treasure gained by long ascetic practices, received Veda as a series of sound and spread over the world by word of mouth from preceptor to pupil. Since it was ‘heard’ and preserved by generations by those who heard, the Veda is known as Shruti, ‘that which was heard or listened to.’ The Veda is endless. Who composed the Vedas? Until today, it has not been possible to reveal their names. Those who recited it had perhaps no desire to earn renown, for the names are nowhere seen mentioned in the Veda. May be they had attached no importance to their names, on clans or sects, or it is likely they had no kith or kin or clan. Whoever he or they may be, the sages were sure they were masters of all knowledge, for the sense of equality and equanimity found in the Veda is the innate quality of only such wise person. So it is very appropriate to infer that the Veda was given to the world only by persons endowed with all powers.

The word ‘Veda’ originated from the root ‘Vid’, meaning ‘to know’, “Vidam thu anena ithi Vedah”. ‘That which reveals and makes clear all knowledge is Veda’. The Veda can be mastered neither by limited intellect nor by limited experience. The sacred Veda instructs in all that one requires for his spiritual advancement. It instructs one in means and methods to overcome all sorrows and grief. It instructs in all the spiritual disciplines which can give him unshaken peace. No one has understood correctly the beginning of the Veda or its end. So, it is hailed as Anaadi (Beginningless) and Sanathana (Eternal). Since the first and the last of the Veda are not known, ft is also known as Nitya (Everlasting). The intelligence of humans is tainted but since the Veda has no trace of taint, it is concluded that it cannot be a human product. So the Veda is also characterised as A-pourusheya (Trans-personal).

The Veda is its own authority. Each Vedic sound is sacred because it is part of the Veda. Those who have faith in the Veda, and its authority can personally experience this. The great sages were enriched by such experiences, and they have extolled it as the source of wisdom. These experiences are not bound by time or space. Their validity and value can be recognised not only in India but by people of all lands. They lay down basic truths, it can be asserted.

The Vedic religion originated, we do not, know when; others came later. This is the difference. So, if something has to be known, it is not possible to succeed, with the help of the skill and strength that man has. Human intelligence can operate only within certain limits. Buddhigrahyam atheendriyam. But the Veda is beyond the reach of intelligence. Intelligence is restricted. It can deal only with facts discoverable by the senses and experiences related to these. It can act only in the area of the visible.

Mother Veda has been kind to her children the human race. To sanctify its cravings and to uplift the race, she has posited the concept of Time and its components, the years, months, days, hours, minutes and seconds. Even Gods were declared to be bound by Time. The individual or Jiva is caught in the wheel of Time and Space and rotates with it, unaware of any means of escape. Really, he is beyond the reach of Time and Space. The Veda is bent upon the task of making him know this Truth, and liberating him from the narrowness. Mother Veda is compassionate; she longs to liberate her children from doubt and discontent. She has no desire to inflame or confuse; wise men know this well.

The Vedas are Eternal Truths; they existed even before the people of this land discovered, practised and experienced them.

Of course, this does not mean that the Veda Mātā has not blessed other lands or is absent therein. It is like the force of gravitation, present everywhere. The Veda is omnipresent. The heroic sages of Bharat were able to receive the Vedic Message as a result of their Sadhana of denial and detachment as well as their capacity to concentrate, and to experience the Bliss resulting from practising it. They were so selfless and full of compassion and love that they shared with those who approached them what they had heard and enjoyed. They are therefore called “Mantra-Drishta”. Through the long line of their disciples, the Message has come down the ages and spread all over the land. Like a continuing flood, the mysterious Veda, was ‘Visualised’ by the Sages as Drishtas. The Bharatiyas, people of this country, are well aware of this debt.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Sathya Sai Vahini 16”, April 1980. net pp.77-79.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about GOD
The Three Bodies
Who am I ?
The Worst Enemies of Man
Forbearance is the Highest Virtue


The ocean is a stable body of water, but its surface keeps on shaking restlessly. It is because of the wind. When there is no wind, there will be no waves. But waves are not different from water. The one and only Divinity takes various forms and appears as many entities. The head of a house is called father by his son, husband by his wife, son by his father and a grandfather by his grandson. Similarly, the same God is called Brahman by some and Atma by others. Some call Him Rama, Krishna, Jesus or Allah. Basing on their respective faiths and feelings, people give different names to God.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Develop Integrated Awareness”, Oct. 2017. pp.4-16. net p.6. See the end of this site.
Lingodbhava on Sivarathri at Prasanthi Nilayam
- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Lingodbhava on Sivarathri at Prasanthi Nilayam”, Mar. 2006. pp.75-8. net pp.57-9.
Sri Sathya Sai Baba Shivaratri 2002 Hiranyagarbha Lingam
Sri Sathya Sai Baba Shivaratri 2002 Hiranyagarbha Lingam  Net page Search for →
The Three Bodies

The whole duty of man is to engage himself in good acts with the gross body, scatter good thoughts and good influences around him with his subtle body, and earn self-realisation and Blisss through his causal body.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “The Three Bodies”, Dec. 1972. net pp.138-9.
Sathya Sai always Keeps His Promise

While passing by the house of Subbamma, I noticed many people gathered there. I enquired, “Who is going to be cremated?” Washerman Subbanna was there. He replied, “Swami! Subbamma is dead.” I went into the house where her body was kept. Her relatives were about to take her body out for cremation. All of them were crying. They told Me, “Swami! She is gone, thinking of You till her last moment.” Then I asked, “Where has she gone?” pretending as if I did not know anything. They said, “The doctor came and told that there is no life in her body.” I smiled at their answer. I had not forgotten the promise given to her.

I removed the cloth that covered her face. Ants were crawling all over her body. I gently called her name, “Subbamma!” She opened her eyes and looked at Me (loud applause). She held My hands with eyes full of tears and enquired, “When did You come, Swami?” I replied, “I have come just now.” I wiped her tears gently with a towel and said, “Subbamma! Look here.” She smiled and asked, “Swami! Do You still remember the promise You gave me? How compassionate You are!” I created Vibhuti and smeared it on her forehead. I then poured a few drops of sacred water into her mouth and said, “You were worried that Swami was not by your side at the last moment. Now you have seen Swami, talked to Swami and held Swami’s hand. Now close your eyes peacefully.” Subbamma drank water from My hands and breathed her last.

Thus, I kept My promise to Subbamma. Sathya Sai always keeps His promise (loud applause). His name is Sathya. Whatever He says is truth.

Subbamma Comes Back to Life

While this strange phenomenon was going on, all her relatives and the doctors who attended on her were watching the happenings with wonder. They could not believe their eyes. They were saying, “How come! Subbamma was dead. There was no breath in her body. How is it that she opened her eyes and started speaking? Perhaps it is due to the divine power of Sai Baba.” The dead body of Subbamma was then cremated by her relatives as per their family custom

The news of Subbamma’s coming back to life spread very fast. This incident became the talk of the entire village. People said in one voice, “Sai Baba has kept His promise; Subbamma has attained liberation.” Soon this news spread far and wide. Many people came in their cars from Bangalore to Puttaparthi to have Darshan of Swami.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “I am the Teacher of Truth”, May 2005. pp.143-9. net p.103-5.
Discourses about Subbamma:
Sanathana Sarathi, “Work Unitedly for the Development of Villages”, April 2007. pp.134-44. net pp.8-9.
Sanathana Sarathi, “Fascinating Memories of Swami’s Childhood”, Aug. 2000. pp.234-45. net pp.166-7.
Who am I ?

Human Values”, Sathyopanishad, 2004.: Chapter 8. Q209). net pp.82-83.

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Understand the Meaning of Service
Karma is responsible for the birth, existence and death of man.
It holds sway over all stages of his life as the very Deity of human existence.
It is responsible for the joy and sorrow of man.
(Telugu Poem)
Embodiments of Love!

Happiness cannot exist without sorrow and sorrow cannot be separated from happiness. It is said, Jantunam Nara Janma Durlabham (out of all living beings, human birth is the rarest). Man is the crest jewel of the entire creation. He is the main cause behind the phenomenal progress of the world. But man today is unable to realise his humanness. Because of identifying himself with his physical form, he has forgotten his humanness. Since he calls himself a human being, it is his duty to realise the greatness of humanness.

Immense Divine Power of Man

Man, in fact, has a special status in the entire creation. But he does not try to realise his true nature. It does no credit to a human being to derive satisfaction from studying scriptures and talking about them. Real merit lies in practising the ideals of humanness in one’s life and setting an example to others. Man has no authority to teach ideals to others without putting them into practice himself first. In fact, he is gifted with human birth to be an ideal in the entire creation.

There is immense divine power in man. He is not simply a Dehadhari (one with body). He is endowed with Vijnana (wisdom), Prajnana (constant integrated awareness) and Sujnana (discrimination). He should channelise these powers in the right direction. First and foremost, one has to understand the true meaning of Jnana. Some people think that knowledge acquired by reading numerous books is Jnana. No, this is not correct. Real Jnana is the knowledge that emerges from within oneself. This should be experienced, put into practice and then shared with others. In the ultimate analysis, this would enable one to be greatly benefited and enlightened.

One can be called a human only when one has human quality. One should therefore understand the real meaning of the term, human quality first. Human quality emerges from one’s own Self. It cannot be acquired by reading books, listening to others or talking about it.

Acquire Practical Knowledge
Embodiments of Love!

You have come all the way from Kerala to acquire Jnana. You should also know the real meaning of the terms Prajnana, Vijnana, Sujnana.

Mere textual knowledge without practical knowledge becomes ‘allergy’. On the other hand, when bookish knowledge is transformed into practical knowledge, it becomes ‘energy’. Practical knowledge is the real knowledge. One has to acquire practical knowledge by which one can gain experience. This experience can be shared with others. Such practical knowledge and experience give strength to a person. However, this strength should not to be considered as mere physical strength.

Just as there is electrical energy in a live wire, similarly, there is latent energy in the human body which manifests in different ways. It can be harnessed for different purposes like reading, writing, walking, talking, etc. It has, however, no form. Nevertheless, it travels throughout the body of a human being from head to toe. By tapping this energy, an Ajinani (ignorant person) can become Jnani (one of wisdom). Energy is most important for all the progress and advancement of man. It can be acquired only by practice.

Embodiments of Love!

All that we teach to others must be supported by practice. Everything is reaction, reflection and resound of one’s own inner being. Every word we utter is the resound of the inner being. Reflection is that which is contemplated upon, experienced and put into practice. Reaction is, however, very important. Reaction comes out of action. Hence our actions must always be pure and sacred. Reaction, reflection and resound occupy an important place in the life of a human being. All the worldly knowledge man acquires is the product of resound. Resound comes out of reaction and reaction transforms itself into reflection. The unity of these three constitutes humanness. Man should not waste his time in empty rhetoric. Every word he utters must be the product of his deep contemplation and knowledge of its inner meaning. It is only after that he should try to teach others.

Oh man! Do not exult over your erudition.
All your learning is just a burden on your head without
humble prayer and devotion to God.
(Telugu Poem)
Depend upon the Power of the Self
Embodiments of Love!

While performing service activities, never consider yourself as the doer. Always think that whatever service activities you are undertaking are for your own upliftment. These service activities must be undertaken to develop self-confidence which will lead to self-satisfaction, self-sacrifice and ultimately to self-realisation. Thus, service is meant to realise your true Self. It should never be considered as help for others.

You may be thinking that you are helping others by joining the Sathya Sai Seva Organisation and undertaking service activities. This is not correct. In fact, you are yourself the beneficiary of all your service activities and not others. Also, you need not seek the help of others in these service activities.

You can depend upon your own innate strength and energy. The power of your Self will help you in all your endeavours. Your Self will protect you from within in all your endeavours; you do not need the protection of anybody else from outside.

Members of the Seva Dal!

You may be thinking that you have come here for undertaking service. This service is not for others but for yourself. Just as you eat food to satiate your hunger, every service activity undertaken by you is for your own satisfaction. There are many things which you have to learn during the next three days. This being the first day, I spoke to you in detail so that you would understand the meaning of service.

What is Seva Dal? Each member of the Seva Dal is like a Dal (petal) of a beautiful flower. Petals have a pattern of their own which lends beauty to the flower. If you sow a seed, it will grow into a plant in due course of time and yield beautiful flowers. However, the seed by itself is not attractive. When the plant grows and yields flowers, the beauty and fragrance of the flowers will give joy to one and all. There are several petals in a flower. The flower appears beautiful as long as there are petals in it. Once the petals fade and fall down, the flower ceases to exist. Hence, all of you should form yourself into a beautiful flower. Let everyone experience and enjoy its beauty and fragrance.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Understand the Meaning of Service”, May 2005. pp.135-138. net pp.98-100.
The Worst Enemies of Man

Every human being has the evil tendencies of Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed) etc. in him. The great epics, the Ramayana, the Bhagavata and the Mahabharata teach us very good lessons to control lust, greed and anger, which are the enemies of man.

Ravana, who had mastered all the 64 branches of knowledge and was a great scholar and a mighty warrior, lost his life and caused the ruination of his entire clan because of lust. It is not enough if you merely read the Ramayana; you should grasp its real significance.

Hiranyakasipu was a great scientist. Today scientists have travelled only up to the moon, but Hiranyakasipu could travel even to the sun. He had control over all the five elements, but he became a victim of his anger. His anger was directed at God Himself. Ultimately, what happened? He ruined himself.

In the Mahabharata, Duryodhana personified greed. He refused to share the kingdom with the Pandavas and denied them their rightful share. Due to this greed, he perished along with his entire clan.

These three illustrations echo the need for the eradication of the feelings of lust, anger and greed. The Pandavas emerged victorious because they practised all the human values of Sathya, Dharma, Santhi, Prema and Ahimsa. If you follow the values, success will follow automatically.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Start New Year with Spirit of Love”, April 1999. pp.85-91. net p.97.

You have to abandon bad thoughts, bad company, bad habits and everything that is bad. We find hatred all over the world these days. Deha (body) is being incinerated with Dwesha (hatred). No separate cremation is required for the body; this blazing hatred itself will reduce it to ashes. Man brings about his own end by the fire of hatred.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Eradicate Immorality to Attain Immortality”, Oct. 2000. pp.297-303. net p.208.
Unity Rests on Truth and Love

Do not hate anybody. Love even the worst of your enemies. Develop love. Only then the country will progress.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Give up Enmity, Develop Unity”, June 1999. pp.151-156. net p.127.
Forbearance is the Highest Virtue

Women are by nature forgiving. There were many women of fortitude, forbearance and purity in this country. It is because of such great women that India still holds its head high in spirituality.

Forbearance and forgiveness are the qualities which should be fostered by all individuals. You must be able to forgive even your enemies. This day consecrated to Ganapati teaches you forgiveness and love, so that you may realize Divinity and enjoy bliss.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Ganapati Confers Buddhi and Siddhi”, Oct. 2000. pp.289-296. net p.206.
Embodiments of Love!

From time immemorial, women of India, by their adherence to lofty ideals, have occupied exalted position in society and have bestowed joy on this land. Therefore, from the very beginning the name of women comes before that of men as a mark of honour. Women represent Mother Nature. Our ancient Sages recognised this truth and proferred solutions to the problems of life on this basis.

The progress and prosperity of a nation depends upon its women. Women have made highly valuable contributions in many fields, but men do not recognise their good work.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “World Today Needs Ideal Mothers”, Jan. 2002. pp.14-22. net p.10.

Be active in good deeds, act righteously, respect womanhood. The glory of women is the index of the glory of the country. … The country’s welfare is closely linked to the welfare of women. Therefore, we have to uphold the dignity of womanhood. This is the highest education. Take to heart this lesson.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Goodness of Bharat will Achieve World Unity”, Sep. 2001. pp.257-267. net p.183-4.
Women are endowed with more Powers

You all know that many countries suffered destruction during the two world wars. It is entirely due to the presence of virtuous women that Bharat remained safe and secure. Bharat owes its greatness and glory to its women. So, respect women and make them happy.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Women are the Embodiments of Nobility and Virtue”, Aug. 2000. net p.198.
Unparalled Idealism of Draupadi

There are many such noble women like Draupadi. She stands as an ideal for all women. Why are we forgetting the teachings of such great women? Today women are treated as mere puppets. But they are full of courage, valour, sacrifice, determination and truth. Men do not possess the great qualities that women have. It is because of such great women that the Bharatiya culture attained high esteem. Otherwise, it would have declined long ago. Do you ever recognise the fact that women are endowed with such great qualities as courage, valour, determination and righteousness? These qualities are not to be easily found in men. Why? Most of them are afflicted with the disease of anger which is ruining them.

One with anger will not be successful in any of his endeavours.
He will commit sins and will be derided by one and all.
(Telugu Poem)

It is possible that women may also succumb to anger and indulge in sinful deeds, now and then. Such women should be pardoned and encouraged to make amends; they should not be denounced and condemned. The quality of patience and perseverance in women is great. In fact, it is the quality of equanimity in times of difficulty that was characteristic of Draupadi, which saved the Pandavas. There are several such women in present times also. The bad qualities of anger, passion, jealousy, envy and pride are more prominent in men. Women are able to control such evil qualities from overtaking them. In view of this, is it not our duty to encourage and honour such women who preserve and promote peace and harmony? On the contrary, women are belittled and slighted. No, no, this should not happen. Such women with noble qualities deserve to be encouraged and respected.

A few days ago, you witnessed a function in this Hall, where the glory of womanhood was highlighted. A playlet was put up in this Hall by Chethana, in which the greatness of Sita as the ideal woman, was presented. Sita and Draupadi were great Pathivratas (women of chastity). Such efforts to highlight the greatness of women need to be encouraged.

Only Sathya and Dharma can Protect the World

The spirit of peace and forgiveness demonstrated by Draupadi should be propagated and violence should be condemned. The lesson of peace and non-violence is very essential for Bharat. Sathya and Dharma (truth and righteousness) are the main characteristics of Indian culture. If these two are protected, the country can be protected. If you want to protect your country, you need not join the army and fight a battle. If you protect truth and righteousness, they will in turn protect the country. It is not great to kill the enemies in a war. First and foremost, protect truth and righteousness. The country will automatically be protected.

Indian culture exhorts Sathyam Vada (speak truth) and Dharmam Chara (practise righteousness). When you do this with perseverance, you will become brave, courageous and powerful. When you protect Sathya and Dharma, God will, in turn, protect not only you and your country, but the whole world. Consider truth as your life-breath and righteousness your armour. If you have these two, you will have everything. You don’t need to fight with anybody in the world. The world has not done any harm to you. There is nothing great in attacking those who have done no harm to you.

Dear Students!

Protect truth, foster righteousness. That is enough. Truth and righteousness are inseparable. One cannot exist without the other. There cannot be Sathya without Dharma. Similarly, there cannot be Dharma without Sathya. Consider these two as your very life-breath. This was the teaching of Draupadi.

Protection of Women is the Responsibility of Men

It is the women of Bharat who have protected and sustained this country since ancient times. They are, in fact, the very life of Bharat. They are the very embodiments of truth and righteousness. And truth and righteousness have, in turn, protected Bharat always. How much respect and reverence we must show towards women!

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Protect the Honour and Dignity of Women”, April 2005. pp.110-117. net pp.79-81.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about
Women and Parents

  •   1. “When Women are Honoured”, December 1995. pp.291-295. net pp288-292.
  •   2. “Heroic Mothers and Noble Sons”, June 1996. pp.157-161. net pp.132-136.
  •   3. “Women are the Embodiments of Nobility and Virtue”, 2000. net pp.192-198.
  •   4. “Goodness of Bharat will Achieve World Unity”, September 2001. pp.257-267. net pp.177-184.
  •   5. “World Today Needs Ideal Mothers”, January 2002. pp.14-22. net pp.9-15.
  •   6. “Protect the Honour and Dignity of Women”, April 2005. pp.110-117. net pp.77-82.
  •   1. “Splendour of Divinity”, October 2000. pp.347-357. net pp.252.
  •   2. “Cultivate Love and Become Divine”, July 2001. pp.202-206. net pp.136-139.
  •   3. “Character is the Crest Jewel of Education”, July 2003. pp.202-210. net pp.197-205.
  •   4. “Youth is Characterised by Sterling Virtues”, September 2003. pp.279-287. net pp.256-263.
  •   5. “Never Forget your Parents”, June 2008. pp.166-171. 183. net pp.4-9. 21.
  •   6. “Parents are the Living Symbols of God”, May 2014. pp.24-25. net pp.26-27.
- From Sanathana Sarathi.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about Subhas Chandra Bose


Exemplary Patriotism of Subhas Chandra Bose”, March 2008. pp.78-81. net pp.12-15.

- From Sanathana Sarathi

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about
King Harishchandra and chaste wife Chandramati

  •   1. “Sathya and Dharma: Bases of Life”, April 1994. pp.95-99. net p.73.
  •   2. “God Realisation by Sense Control”, April 1994. pp.85-92. net p.83.
  •   3. “Cherish Bharathiya Culture”, January. 1996. pp.20-23. net p.12.
  •   4. “Truth is the Life Principle of Man”, July 2002. pp.201-209. net pp.243-4. p.248.
  •   5. “The Same Atma Indwells all Beings”, March 2010. pp.66-74. net pp.4-6.
  •   6. “Look Within and Experience God”, May 2010. pp.130-133. net pp.4-6.
  •   7. “Chastity is the Hallmark of a Woman”, June 2010. pp.162-164. net p.5.
  •   8. “The Footprints of God”, September 2010. pp.274-278. net pp.21-22.
  •   9. “Dharma is our Real and Permanent Property”, January 2012. pp.2-10. net pp.10-11.
  • 10. “Humanness Blossoms in a Compassionate Heart”, March 2012. pp.66-73. net p.11.
- From Sanathana Sarathi.
  • 11. “Sadhana. The Inner Door”, Sathyopanishad, 2004: Chapter 7. Q145). net. p.56.

Editor’s inference about this profound meaning: India/Harishchandra and Pakistan/Chandramati.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about
India/Dharmaraja, America/Arjuna and Russia/Bhima


You might have read in Mahabharata that Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva implicitly obeyed the command of Dharmaraja, who was the embodiment of Dharma. Likewise, India, America and Russia can be compared to Dharmaraja, Arjuna and Bhima respectively. Just as Arjuna and Bhima obeyed Dharmaraja, so also America and Russia will follow India provided India upholds Dharma. What India needs to possess is Sathyastra and Dharmastra, the weapons of Truth and Righteousness. Both are inherent in the principle of Love. Just as a gigantic tree emerges out of a small seed, the entire universe has originated from Love.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “The Power of Love”, Aug. 1999. pp.197-204. net p.189.

Q1) In the great epic, the Mahabharata we find Arjuna and Bhima always following Dharmaraja. Here, Arjuna stands, for intelligence, while Bhima symbolises physical strength. Now, Bharat is in the position of Dharmaraja. America is Arjuna, while Russia is Bhima. Just as you find Bhima and Arjuna obeying the command of Dharmaraja, America and Russia should follow Bharat.

- From Sathyopanishad, 2004.: Chapter 1. The Indian Eternal, net p.2.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about
Unity of Countries

Embodiments of Love!

Today you consider America, Russia, Japan, China, Pakistan, India as separate from each other. Very soon there will be unity amongst all these countries. Even those whom you consider as your worst enemies are going to become your best friends. You should not hate anybody. You are all brothers and sisters. In a short time, you are all going to witness “Brotherhood of Man and Fatherhood of God.” With a pure heart, all of you should pray for this to happen at the earliest.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Unity and Divinity in the New Year”, Jan. 2000. pp.44-53. net pp.30-31.
Embodiments of Love!

Then the glory of Bharat will spread all over the world. Bharat will achieve unity with all countries. Today is Krishna Janmashtami, the birthday of Lord Krishna. I am making a promise today that the people of all the countries, viz., Pakistan, China, Germany, Russia will be united. That should be our goal. The goodness of Bharat will lead to this unity. Unity is essential. Purity lies in unity and purity leads to divinity. You should achieve divinity.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Goodness of Bharat will Achieve World Unity”, Sep. 2001. pp.257-267. net p.184.
Motherland is greater than Heaven

After the annihilation of Ravana, when Rama was requested to take over the reins of Lanka, He declared: Janani Janmabhoomischa Swargadapi Gareeyasi ( mother and motherland are greater than heaven itself). One who does not have love and regard for one’s own motherland, one’s own mother tongue and one’s own religion is a living corpse! But, one should not show disrespect towards other countries. Adveshta Sarva Bhoothanam (one should not hate anybody). One should not criticize anybody.

All of you know what a nice person Vajpayee is. Even in olden days whenever Vajpayee or Jayaprakash Narayan would visit Andhra Pradesh, people, especially the youth, used to gather in large numbers to listen to their speeches. Naturally, the people are attracted to those who adhere to Truth and Righteousness. Such a leader should be given all support.

A true leader is one who works for the well-being of the society. The government is safe only when the people are safe and secure and vice-versa. So, the government and the people should stand united and work for the progress of the nation.

Since ancient times, the Hindus, the Muslims, the Christians and the Sikhs have been living in amity in this sacred land.

Develop Friendship with other Countries

I have been observing Vajpayee for the last so many years. Now this body is seventy-four years old. Vajpayee always keeps the welfare of the society in mind in whatever he speaks or does. He is broadminded. There will certainly be peace and security in the country if these principles are followed.

I want Vajpayee to develop friendship with countries like Russia, Japan and Pakistan. (Cheers) How nice will it be if all these countries come together! Vajpayee is also making efforts in this direction.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Give up Enmity, Develop Unity”, June 1999. pp.151-156. net pp.127-129.
Imbibe the Spirit of Patriotism

The true wealth is within you. Never forsake your motherland. For the simple reason that your mother is not beautiful, can you forsake her and consider another lady who is beautiful as your mother? Preferring a foreign land to one's own motherland amounts to doing the same. Janani Janma Bhoomishcha Swargadapi Gareeyasi (the mother and the motherland are greater than even heaven). So, one should have love for one's motherland. Develop Deshabhimanam (spirit of patriotism), not Dehabhimanam (attachment to the body).

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Acquire the Knowledge of Brahman”, Feb. 2000. pp.33-43. net p.24.
Develop High Moral Character

The youth of today are the future redeemers of the nation. Therefore, they should develop noble feelings, take to sacred path and become ideal citizens. When you become an ideal citizen, you will experience great happiness. Therefore, you should cultivate noble feelings. This is what is called individual character. You can become great leaders only when you have individual character. Therefore, it is necessary for you to develop good qualities. When you have individual character, you should develop national character also. You should develop individual character, social character and the spirit of nationalism. Unfortunately, the spirit of nationalism has become extinct in modern youth. They even do not know what nationalism means. Their vision is limited to “I, my family and my nears and dears.” This is not correct. You should give highest priority to your country. The culture of Bharat is unparalleled and most sacred.

He is verily a living corpse
who does not declare with pride that
this is my motherland, this is my mother tongue and this is my religion.
(Telugu Poem)

Those who lack love for their motherland are no better than living corpses. Therefore, develop love for the country. You should love your country as much as you love yourself because your Deha (body) and Desha (country) are like Bimba (object) and Pratibimba (reflection). Therefore, students should transform their thoughts and develop good qualities and high character.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Unity is the Foundation of Peace and Happiness”, April 2010. pp.98-106. net pp.11-12.
Patriotism Leads to Divinity
Embodiments of Love!

Your country and your body are not different from each other. Both are composed of the same five elements. They are inseparably interrelated and totally interdependent. They are like mirror images of each other. Try to recognise this truth. The youth of today are the leaders of the future. If the future is to be prosperous, the modern youth should perform their duties with firm faith in God. You are not separate from the country, but a part of it. Have the firm conviction that this country belongs to you. … Every person, whichever country he may belong to, should have patriotism firmly ingrained in his heart. Abdicating their duty towards their motherland, people go to other countries and become completely alienated. How can such people ever understand Divinity?

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Unity and Divinity in the New Year”, Jan. 2000. pp.44-53. net p.30.
Uphold the Culture of Bharat

There is no culture greater than the culture of Bharat. (Cheers) This culture is eternal, universal and acceptable to everyone. But, unfortunately today the Bharatiyas are imitating the Western culture ignoring their own culture. As a result, they are losing their identity. There is no greater misfortune than forgetting one’s own culture. A true Bharatiya is one who upholds Bharatiya culture. The epithet Bharatiya does not mean a person born in the land of Bharat. Whoever follows the culture of Bharat is a Bharatiya. … Extend your support to those administrators who adhere to these sacred principles. Do not get carried away by those who give platform speeches, but practice none. You should be prepared to sacrifice even your life in order to uphold the culture of Bharat.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Give up Enmity, Develop Unity”, June 1999. pp.151-156. net pp.126.
Secret of Happiness

Delhi is the capital of Bharat. So, if Delhi is good, the whole country will be good. Anything can be achieved through unity. Give up individual and political differences. Have the national interest uppermost in your mind. Stand united and be prepared to sacrifice even your life for the welfare of the country. Uphold the prestige of the country and spread it far and wide.

Develop the spirit of patriotism. Then the society and nation would prosper.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Glory of Bharatiya Culture”. Aug. 1999. pp.213-221. net p.175.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about
Adherence to Tradition
Devotion of Russians
China and India
Abraham Lincoln in 10 Discourses

Adherence to Tradition

Those artists have been strictly adhering to the artistic traditions of their respective countries. In the Japanese dance yesterday, the priest (an old man) appeared to be shivering. He has all the strength, but when approaching the shrine and nearing the Emperor he displays extreme humility and reverence. They practise such supreme humility. Economically and technologically Japan is a highly advanced country. But see what humility and discipline they display!

Cherish your Culture

On this holy occasion devotees from many countries have delighted every one here by their presentation of the artistic culture of their respective countries. Wherever you may go do not give up your traditional culture. Devotees from outside who come here adhere to their culture.

If you have forgotten your mother tongue, are you likely to remember your mother? Rama declared: "The mother and the Motherland are greater than Heaven itself." Therefore, wherever you may go, do not forget your ancient traditions. This is relevant to people of all countries. At the same time, unity should be cultivated. "Nations are many, the earth is one. Beings are many, but breath is one". This truth has to be recognised. All the resources of Nature like air are available to all irrespective of nationality or creed or race. This is the unity in diversity that has to be realised. Out of unity comes purity.

All should seek to live as brothers and sisters. No one should criticise any nation, faith or culture. When you cultivate this broad outlook, your culture will be respected by others. It is this spirit of unity that the world needs to-day.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Acquire Friendship of God”, Aug. 1995. pp.197-204. net p.196. 198.
Never Forsake your Culture

You should never forsake culture at any cost. What is meant by culture? We should understand and follow our ancient traditions and values. We should never ignore our culture in our business matters. We should enquire into the relationship between culture and country. Culture has its existence due to the country. True humanness lies in the integration of culture and country. Culture is not related to your worldly relations and practices. Culture is concerned with the feelings of your heart and your power to discriminate between what is good and what is bad. Hence, you should develop strong power of discrimination. This discrimination brings about many changes in the life of man.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Culture and Country are Most Important in Business”, Sep. 2007. pp.298-305. net pp.3.
Devotion of Russians

Many devotees are coming here from Africa and Russia. The devotion of the Russians is indescribable. Among the devotees who come here, the number of Russians is very large. They experience great bliss here. (Pointing towards the Russian devotees) Look! Those devotees with raised hands are all Russian. They are all imbued with great devotion. (Pointing towards the Russian devotees again…) You are not Russian, you belong to us! I love you all.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “God is the Fundamental Basis of all Creation”, March 2007. pp.102-109. net p.9.
China and India

From very ancient times there have been close relations between China and Bharat. A short while ago a speaker mentioned how in the Chinese pantheon there were deities corresponding to the deities worshipped in Bharat like Lakshmi, Bhudevi, Kubera and others.

Give up the bad and take the good

There is one thing to be learnt by all people whether they are from China, Japan, India or America. The God who is in all of them is one and the same. Your love of God should remain unwavering, whatever may happen. Love is God. Live in Love. This one truth will protect you at all times. Leave all your bad qualities here and take back good thoughts and good habits. That alone will justify your coming here. Become good and improve the society.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “The Gospel of Work, Love and Sacrifice”, March 1997. pp.57-64. net pp.73, 76.
Power of Self-Confidence and Faith in God

Time, country and circumstances may change. But the purity and power of the heart do not change. Before Lincoln became the President of America, people did not realise the power of self-confidence and faith in God. It was Lincoln who taught these values to the people of America. Following the example of Lincoln, more and more people started developing self-confidence and faith in God. It is enough if a country has one person like Lincoln.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Education should Lead to Perfection”, June 2002. pp.171-179. net p.260.
  • 1.Love is My only Wealth”, Dec. 2000. pp.384-394. net pp.274-275.
  • 2.Make Proper Use of Natural Resources”, Mar. 2001. pp.65-72. net pp.44-45.
  • 3.Fill all Your Actions with Love”, May 2001. pp.149-157. net p.103.
  • 4.Education should Lead to Perfection”, June 2002. pp.171-179. net pp.259-260.
  • 5.Acquire the Wealth of Divinity”, Dec. 2002. pp.363-373. net pp.224-225.
  • 6.Purify the Mind and Focus it on Divinity”, Sep. 2003. pp.266-273. net pp.251-252.
  • 7.Service to Mankind is the Greatest Sadhana”, Feb. 2004. pp.42-50. net pp.36-37.
  • 8.Love is My Biggest Property”, Mar. 2004. pp.77-85. net p.63.
  • 9.Attain the Knowledge of the Self”, Mar. 2009. pp.66-81. net p.6.
  • 10.Self-Confidence is Your Greatest Asset”, Apr. 2009. pp.104-111. net pp.12-13.
- From Sanathana Sarathi.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about Plastic Waste


Not only in the field of education, but changes are being made in the area of health also. Earlier, people used pitchers, plates and pots made of clay by local artisans. After some time, stainless steel utensils replaced the clay utensils. But now plastic pitchers, plates and pots have come into vogue. These plastic articles have exposed man to great dangers. The plastic bags and other articles have created enormous waste material which is not biodegradable. Even if you bury it underground, it does not decompose and remains as it is even after many years. Much land is being spoiled by this plastic waste. Vegetables grown in such land are harmful to man. In this way, many harmful changes have come in the life of man today. Therefore, we should not resort to unnecessary imitation and changes, particularly in the field of education.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Culture and Country are Most Important in Business”, Sep. 2007. pp.298-305. net pp.3-10.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about the Future

Education should Give the Knowledge of the Self

Today I am revealing this to you that in the next twenty-five to thirty years, the entire world will become one – one caste, one religion and one God (loud applause). We should have this type of unity.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Modern Education is Making Man Self-centred and Selfish”, Sep. 2008. pp.282-287. net p.25.
Unity of Human Race is Imminent

Believe it or not, in the next 25 to 30 years, the entire human race will become one. People of all religions like Hindu, Muslim, Christian, etc., will be united. There will be complete unity in the world.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Seeing Unity in Diversity is True Spirituality”, Oct. 2008. pp.306-313. net p.13, 19.
World Unity is Imminent

God brings about transformation in the hearts of human beings. If you pray sincerely, you can also experience transformation. Note this important point that within a short period of time, the entire world will come together and live in peace and unity (loud and prolonged applause). I assure you that the world unity will occur very soon. Conflicts, differences and hatred will become a thing of the past. The differences that you witness today will not be seen in future. All the people will then follow the ideal of unity as enshrined in the Vedic prayer:

Let us all move together, let us all grow together,
Let us all stay united and grow in intelligence together,
Let us live together with friendship and harmony.
(Telugu Poem)
- From Sanathana Sarathi, “God Incarnates to Transform Man”, Jan. 2006. pp.11-15. net p.9.

Sathya Sai Baba spoke about
Science and Veda and Big Bang

Science and the Veda

The Pranava mantra (Om) contains within it the powers of Siva and Shakti. These two powers, Siva and Shakti, correspond to what scientists call electron and proton (the two constituents of the atom). Proton forms the nucleus of the atom. The electron is moving at great speed round the proton. The Veda has described the phenomenon in different ways. It has declared that Siva and Shakti are inextricably associated with each other. This corresponds to the relationship between the electron and the proton. Anterior to the electron and proton is the particle known as neutron. This corresponds to what the Veda has called “Sat”. In common parlance “Sat” is regarded as something effulgent. This is not correct. “Sat”, in fact, means darkness. Out of this darkness is born light. Out of the darkness called “Ashanti”, comes the effulgence of “Prasanthi”. Thus darkness is called “Tamah”. One meaning of “Ta” is “nectar”. The other meaning is “garbha” or womb. This womb is called by the scientists as “space”. The second syllable “mah” means poison or Time. Thus the word “Tamas” encompasses space and Time, which are the determinants of the human predicament.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Service, Love and Sacrifice”, Mar. 1997. pp.85-91. net p.93.
Big Bang

Earlier, nothing existed in the universe. In the beginning, the sun, the moon, the stars, the earth, the sky, etc., did not exist. There was only pitch darkness all around. The combination of atoms resulted in the formation of hard matter of a very high density. As a result, a lot of heat was generated. Then all of a sudden, the hard matter exploded with a Big Bang into pieces and spread all over. This was the basic cause of creation. This was the experience of Sage Kanaada. The sound that emanated from the Big Bang was Pranava. That is Omkara, the primordial sound. This sound of Pranava is all-pervasive. How did Pranava originate? It originated from Paramanu (atom). In fact, there is nothing else than atoms in this universe. ... It takes twenty-two thousand crore years for an atom to go back to its source.

- From Sanathana Sarathi, “Imbibe Divine Feelings and Become Divine”, Aug. 2002. pp.225-233. net pp.115-117.
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July 22, 2023
God, eka created eka Big Bang
GodBig BangUniverseEarthHumanGod
All Religions Living Together Peace Prosperity
Faith in God is the Unity in Diverse Nationalism and Patriotism    Eka means One in Sanskrit